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Limitations on Enrollments :

Policy/Guideline Area

Academic Policies

Applicable Divisions

TCATs, Community Colleges


The purpose of this policy is to authorize Tennessee Board of Regents institutions to establish reasonable limitations on enrollment for academic programs, courses or college activities.


  • Reasonable limitations include but are not limited to restraints by facilities, finances, licensure requirements and accreditation requirements.


  1. Policy
    1. It is the policy of the Board of Regents to provide, on a System-wide basis, a comprehensive program of post-secondary education to all residents of the State of Tennessee and other interested persons from the region and the nation. However, the Board of Regents recognizes the need to limit the number of persons who may enroll in certain programs, activities or courses and authorizes its institutions to enact reasonable limitations on enrollments in accordance with the Procedures listed below.


  1. Procedures
    1. Institutions may enact reasonable limitations on academic programs, courses, activities due to:
      1. The need to maintain the quality of an instructional program; or
      2. Limited facilities, finances or other circumstances affecting the feasibility of a program; or
      3. Enrollment requirements of accreditation agencies, licensing boards or other regulatory entity; or
      4. To preserve the safety and security of students, faculty and staff.
    2. Such limitations on enrollments should be based upon selective criteria or devices appropriate to the program involved which apply equally to all prospective students, provided that preference for admission should be given to students who are residents of the State of Tennessee.




T.C.A. § 49-8-203


TBR Meetings, June 30, 1978; September 30, 1983; Revisions approved at Board Meeting March 21, 2019.