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Collection of Accounts Receivable : B-010

Policy/Guideline Area

Business and Finance Guidelines

Applicable Divisions

TCATs, Community Colleges, System Office


The purpose of this guideline is to establish the process regarding collection of accounts receivable at the System Office and institutions governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents.


  • Disposable earnings - means that part of the earnings of an individual remaining after the deduction from those earnings of any amounts required by law to be withheld.


  1. General
    1. This guideline applies to the collection of all accounts and notes receivable by institutions in the Tennessee Board of Regents System. Institutions shall, to the maximum extent practicable, require payment in advance for all services and goods to avoid the creation of receivables.
      1. TBR Policies Tuition, Fees, Charges, Refunds, and Payments - Community Colleges v.3 and Tuition, Fees, Charges, Refunds, and Payments -TCATs v.3 require (with limited exceptions) that all assessed fees be paid in advance by a student before being considered enrolled for any academic term.
      2. Types of Receivables. Accounts and notes receivable may be generated from programs and activities including but not limited to:
        1. Student loan programs;
        2. Deferred payment programs;
        3. Traffic and parking fines;
        4. Library fines;
        5. Bad checks;
        6. Contracts;
        7. Property rental; 
        8. Damage, loss, or liability to the institution by others; and 
        9. Financial aid adjustments.
      3. Security Deposits. Institutions are authorized to require any person to post a deposit or security bond, or provide appropriate insurance to offset potential obligations to the institution arising from programs or activities.
      4. Statute of Limitations. As a state agency, no statute of limitations applies to collections actions by TBR institutions, and thus the passage of time, standing alone, should not be a reason to forego collection attempts.
  2. General Collection Procedures
    1. Institution Procedure. Each institution shall relay on this guideline or establish a written systematic process and procedure for collecting receivables that is substantially similar to this guideline. 
    2. Billing. Collection efforts should begin no later than thirty days after the obligation has been incurred or other fixed due date.
      1. An institution may negotiate alternative payment arrangements with debtors when such arrangements offer the best prospect of collecting the debt.
      2. An account becomes delinquent based on payment criteria established by the institution for the type of debt involved. An institution shall include a schedule defining delinquent periods.
        1. For example, debts from students shall not be classified as delinquent until a student fails to enroll in a subsequent fall or spring semester where the provisions of the "Record Holds" in II.E. below would apply.
        2. On the other hand, rent for facility usage may become delinquent when rent is not paid by the tenth day after the due date.
    3. Delinquent Accounts. A minimum of three billings or letters of contact shall be sent by the institution at thirty-day intervals once an account becomes delinquent.
      1. For debts of $100 or more, unless the debt is due to institutional error related to administration of Title IV or HEA programs, or any fraud or misconduct by the institution or its personnel, the third letter should indicate that the account will be referred to a collection agency if payment is not made within a specified date.
      2. Sending letters by certified mail is optional.
    4. Defaulted Accounts. Accounts are classified as defaulted when the institution’s established collection efforts for the type of debt have failed to produce payment.
      1. Receivables of $100 or more shall be referred to a collection agency if the institution's collection efforts are unsuccessful.
      2. Notwithstanding subsection II. D. 1., pursuant to 34 CFR § 668.14(b)(33), a school may not refer an account to a collection agency when the debt is due to institutional error related to administration of Title IV or HEA programs, or any fraud or misconduct by the institution or its personnel.
      3. The accounts should be submitted to the agency within a reasonable time after the final collection letter is sent if the debtor has not responded.
      4. Referral of accounts under $100 to a collection agency is not required.
        1. No additional collection efforts are required for receivables under one-hundred dollars ($100.00), except as provided for under the Record Holds (Section II.E) and Employee Receivables (Section III.).
        2. See Section X. for write/off procedures.
    5. Record Holds. Institutions are authorized to issue diplomas and certificates of credit only after the student involved has satisfied all debts or obligations owed to the college, including, but not limited to, its bookstores, libraries, or food service centers. However, this does not prevent the conferring of the degree or credential.  Institutions are not permitted to withhold an official transcript unless the institution has not obtained a Financial Responsibility Statement and the institution has obtained prior approval from the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance or designee.
      1. These provisions regarding record holds do not apply to debts of less than one-hundred dollars ($100.00) or, in accordance with 34 CFR § 668.14(b)(33), when the debt is the result of an error in the institution’s administration of Title IV or HEA programs, or any fraud or misconduct by the institution or its personnel.
      2. These provisions regarding record holds shall not apply to debts or obligations:
        1. Evidenced by notes or other written contracts providing for future payment, such as, but not limited to, financial responsibility statements and loans authorized under federal or state education or student assistance acts.
        2. An amount owed under a community college’s installment payment plan for enrollment fees which is not yet due shall not cause a hold to be applied. A notice stating specific amount due should be sent to each student prior to completion of registration.
      3. Notwithstanding any other requirement in this guideline, a college shall issue a certificate of credit or official transcript for a student seeking admission to any other college or university in the TBR system (including locally governed institutions) if the student has entered a written agreement (acknowledgement of debt/promise to pay) to satisfy the outstanding debt or obligation owed to the college issuing the certificate of credit or official transcript. Any certificate of credit or official transcript so issued shall indicate that it is subject to an outstanding debt owed to the issuing college. The college receiving such a certificate of credit or official transcript shall not subsequently issue a diploma, certificate of credit, or official transcript to that student until it received proof that the student has satisfied the outstanding debt to the college that issued the certificate of credit or official transcript.
    6. Enrollment Holds.
      1. A student who owes $100 or more in past due debts shall not be permitted to register or enroll unless one or more of the following exist.
        1. The debt resulted from an error in the institution’s administration of Title IV or HEA programs, or any fraud or misconduct by the institution or its personnel;
        2. The student has reaffirmed that the debt is owed by signing an acknowledgement of debt/promise to pay agreement (in addition to the Financial Responsibility Statement;
      2. Additionally, except as provided in subsection II.F.1.a., all known debts and obligations to the institution incurred during the current term and $100 or greater must be satisfied prior to a student being allowed to pre-register for any future terms.
      3. An amount owed under a community college’s deferred payment plan for enrollment fees which is not yet due shall not cause an enrollment hold to be applied.
      4. A student that is currently assigned to a collection agency will be allowed to register if the student signs an agreement (acknowledgement of debt/promise to pay) that acknowledges they will not be allowed to receive a diploma until the debt is paid in full. The student account will not be recalled from the collection agency.
    7. Acknowledgement of Debt/Promise Agreement for Prior Debt and Obligations. A student that has prior outstanding debt and was not enrolled in the preceding semester (excluding summer semester) may execute an acknowledgement of debt/promise to pay agreement with the institution and be allowed to register. The agreement must be substantially similar to Exhibit 1.
    8. Aging. All receivables should be aged at least annually.
    9. Documentation. Accurate records of correspondence, telephone calls, and personal contacts with borrowers shall be maintained. Institutions shall comply with record maintenance, safekeeping, and retention regulations for federally funded loans.
  3. Employee Receivables
    1. Procedure for Withholding. Employee receivables (including student employees) may result from, among other things, traffic and parking fines, library fines, institution services or bad checks. Prior to withholding money from an employee’s paycheck, the institution must send the employee notice of intent to withhold by registered or certified mail, email, or personally delivered. The notice shall give the employee fifteen (15) calendar days to choose one of the following options.
      1. Pay the debt in full;
      2. Authorize the institution to withhold a designated amount from each subsequent paycheck or, if the employee is terminating, from the accrued but unused annual leave until the debt is paid in full;
      3. Elect to contest the intent to withhold through an institutional hearing; or,
      4. Elect to contest the intent to withhold through a contested case hearing held pursuant to TBR Policy Contested Cases Subject to the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act v1.
    2. Limitations on Amounts to be Withheld. The deduction from any check shall not exceed the maximum deductible under state garnishment laws.
      1. The maximum amount of disposable earnings of an individual for any work week which is subjected to garnishment may not exceed:
        1. Twenty-five percent (25%) of his disposable earnings for that week; or
        2. Thirty (30) times the federal minimum hourly wage at the time the earnings for any pay period become due and payable, whichever is less.
      2. In the case of earnings from any pay period other than a week, an equivalent amount shall be in effect.
      3. Additionally, the above limits do not apply to employee overpayments.
    3. Retirement Funds. If a former employee is found to owe a debt to the state, retirement funds may be utilized to pay off the amount owing to the extent permitted by Tennessee law and the retirement plan document.
    4. Recovery of Overpayments to Employees. Unlike cases in which the employee owes the institution money, in instances of overpayments to employees there is no obligation to provide a hearing.
      1. The institution is obligated, however, to attempt to recoup the funds. The institution should advise the employee in writing of the overpayment and the institution’s proposed actions to correct the overpayment.
      2. The method of repayment will depend upon the amount of the overpayment, the time which has elapsed between the overpayment and its discovery, the hardship which immediate repayment might cause the employee because of amount of current salary and personal expenses, the culpability of the employees in not reporting the overpayment, and the longevity as well as the expectation that the employee will remain in state government until the repayment is completed.
      3. If a current employee receives overpayment, the refund may be made in one of the following ways:
        1. Repayment by the employee by cash or check; or,
        2. Adjustment of deductions to be made automatically from the employee's paycheck, either with a single deduction or a series of deductions made from each paycheck until the full amount is recovered.
        3. The amount of partial payments recovered by the latter method should be reasonable and systematic so that full recovery will be completed within the shortest period possible.
      4. If overpayment is discovered after the employee terminates employment with the state, an account receivable should be established.
        1. The former employee should be notified of the overpayment, the circumstances of the overpayment and a request that the employee contact the appropriate campus official.
        2. If the employee has not received his final paycheck, the appropriate deduction from that check can be made.
        3. If the final paycheck has been received, negotiations for reimbursement should be initiated.
        4. If repayment cannot be negotiated or collected, the account should be turned over to the collection agency.
        5. In the event collection is not possible, proper write/off procedures should be followed.
      5. In instances in which the employee has agreed to systematic deduction(s) from his paycheck(s), written authorization from the employee is encouraged.
      6. Each campus shall draft forms to document overpayments, the steps taken to recoup same, any negotiated repayment plan, the amounts received, and any write/off of the overpayment.
  4. Dishonored Payments
    1. Enrollment Fees. Pursuant to TBR Policies Tuition, Fees, Charges, Refunds, and Payments - Community Colleges v.3  and Tuition, Fees, Charges, Refunds, and Payments -TCATs v.3, if any student tenders payment of fees by a check or credit card that is subsequently dishonored by the financial institution, and the payment is not redeemed in cash within the time period specified below, the institution has the option to not consider that student enrolled at the institution.
      1. At the discretion of the institution, the student may be considered enrolled and will be assessed the applicable returned check fee, the late registration fee, and will be denied grade reports and future registration privileges until such dishonored check is redeemed.
      2. Institutions have the discretion to allow enrollment when the outstanding obligation is $200 or less.
      3. Notwithstanding subsections IV.A.1 & 2, pursuant to 34 CFR § 668.14(b)(33), a school may not deny enrollment when the debt is due to institutional error related to administration of Title IV or HEA programs, or any fraud or misconduct by the institution or its personnel.
      4. Institutions may deny future check writing privileges to students that have paid registration fees with checks that are subsequently dishonored.
      5. While institutions have discretion in how these situations will be handled, all students must be treated the same at that institution, unless the student debt is due to institutional error, in which case schools must comply with 34 CFR § 668.14(b)(33).
      6. A student paying enrollment fees with a check that is dishonored must redeem the check within five (5) calendar days from receipt of the notice.
        1. Notice should be sent by the institution to the student no more than three (3) working days from receipt of notice of a bad check from the bank.
        2. Notice by certified mail is optional.
        3. The institution will have five (5) working days after the expiration of the five (5) calendar days to pursue any additional collection efforts deemed necessary.
        4. Immediately after the five (5) working days, the student will be deleted if the check has not been redeemed in full if that option is selected by the institution.
        5. Enrollment fees including returned check fees for students de-enrolled for bad checks should be reversed.
    2. Non-Student or Non-Employee. Any person other than a student or employee who tenders a check for payment for goods or services which is subsequently dishonored shall be given the opportunity to redeem the check and pay the amount due in cash. The person shall be given notice of the dishonored check, sent certified mail, demanding payment within five (5) days.
    3. Collection of Dishonored Checks. A check presented for payment of any goods or services which is subsequently dishonored shall be treated as an account receivable under Section II. Any transactions that have been processed should be reversed when possible and appropriate.
    4. Future Check-Writing. Receipt of one or more bad checks from any person may result in that person becoming ineligible to make payments by check thereafter, or to have any check cashed by the institution. A record of individuals who have written bad checks should be maintained.
  5. Federal Loans
    1. Federal Regulations. Collection officers should be certain that they are consulting the most recent legal authorities concerning Federal loans. These authorities include interpretative materials, issues letters, manuals, Congressional Enactments and Federal Department of Education Regulations.
    2. Pre-Loan Counseling. Federal regulations require an institution to conduct entrance counseling to stress the importance of repayment, describe the consequences of default and emphasize the terms of repayment. An individual with Federal Regulations expertise should be available during and after the session to answer questions.
    3. Exit Interview. An individual or group exit interview must be conducted to discuss the borrower's financial responsibilities and to obtain updated information. Exit interview materials may be sent by certified mail to borrowers who do not attend the exit interview.
      1. The borrower should be provided with a copy of the note and two copies of the repayment schedule.
        1. These schedules can be provided either in person or by certified mail.
        2. The borrower should promptly sign and return one of the schedules to the institution.
        3. A minimum payment of $30 per month should be required for Perkins Loans made prior to October 1, 1992, $40 per month for Perkins Loans made after October 1, 1992, and $15 per month for Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL) and Nursing Student Loan (NSL) programs.
    4. Grace Period Notices. Contact with the borrower should be made during the initial and post-deferment grace periods.
      1. For a nine-month grace period, notices are required 90 days, 180 days and 240 days after the grace period begins.
      2. For a six-month grace period, notices are required at 90 days and 150 days.
      3. The last contact should coincide with the first billing notice.
    5. Billings. A written notice and statement of account should be sent at least 30 days before the first payment is due. If a coupon system is used, coupons should be sent instead of statements. Future statements should be sent at least 15 days before each payment is due.
    6. Late Payments or Delinquent. Three past due notices should be sent beginning when the debt is fifteen days past due. The second notice is sent 30 days from the first notice. A final demand letter should be sent within 15 days of the second past due notice. If all past-due follow-up procedures have failed to elicit a response, a telephone call is required within 30 days of the final demand letter.
    7. Cancellation or Deferments. An institution may postpone loan repayments for a 12 month period if the borrower will be providing services eligible for loan cancellation or deferment.
      1. Interest does not accrue and the loan is not considered delinquent when in a deferred status.
      2. The borrower must request deferment and cancellation status on an annual basis.
      3. If, at the end of the postponement period, the borrower does not qualify for cancellation or deferment, the postponed payments are due.
    8. Acceleration. The borrower must be given written notice of intent to accelerate at least 30 days in advance. This can be included in the final demand letter.
    9. Federal Loans Not Written Off. Annual collection efforts should be pursued for Federal loans that are not able to be written off or turned over to the U.S. Department of Education.
    10. Perkins Loans. The IRS/ED skip-tracing service should be used for Perkins Loans.
  6. Collection Agencies
    1. General. The Tennessee Board of Regents shall provide, on a system-wide basis, collection services through one or more companies.
      1. The service should provide for the referral of all types of delinquent accounts and notes from the institutions to the designated company only after campus collection efforts have been exhausted.
      2. The terms of the contract and RFP govern all collection actions.
      3. Unless otherwise prohibited by law or regulation, any note, contract or lease which may result in accounts receivable to the institution should contain a provision pursuant to which the person will be responsible for the costs of collection and reasonable attorneys' fees in the event of default, and should further provide for the assignment of the account or note to the proper agency.
    2. Billing Services. Institutions may use an outside billing service to collect payments on accounts receivable. The service should be familiar with all provisions of loan programs and provide prompt, clear and accurate bills.
    3. Credit Bureaus. Institutions may report all loans when made to a credit bureau. The institution must obtain the borrower's consent to report loans not in default by including a statement in the promissory note or some other document that is signed by the borrower at the time the loan is made.
    4. Collection Agency. Accounts that are still delinquent 30 days after the final collection letter should be turned over to a collection agency. Receivables less than $100 are not required to be turned over to a collection agency. In accordance with 34 CFR § 668.14(b)(33), receivables that resulted from an error in the institution’s administration of Title IV or HEA programs, or any fraud or misconduct by the institution or its personnel must not be turned over to a collection agency.
    5. Reporting Requirements. The collection agency should be required to report the status of delinquent loans periodically to each institution and to the Tennessee Board of Regents.
    6. Revised Repayment Plan. A revised repayment plan agreement should be signed by the borrower if the borrower returns to repayment status.
    7. Recalling Accounts from Collection Agency. No account should be recalled from a collection agency other than debts eligible for deferment, postponement, cancellation, bankruptcy, death, disability or some other mitigating circumstance (institutional error, etc.).
      1. No account should be recalled in order for a borrower to re-enroll or obtain a transcript.
      2. A student who is currently assigned to a collection agency will be allowed to register if the student signs a repayment agreement that acknowledges they will not be allowed to graduate until the debt is paid in full. The student account will not be recalled from the collection agency.
      3. The borrower should pay the accelerated amount plus collection costs to the collection agency.
  7. Litigation
    1. General. After all other attempts at collection have failed, the institution must authorize litigation of accounts of $2,000 or more providing litigation costs do not exceed the amount which can be recovered. Generally the collection services contract will provide for litigation when appropriate.
    2. Federal Loans. If a Federal loan cannot be litigated for any of the following reasons, it should be assigned to the U.S. Department of Education:
      1. Borrower has no assets;
      2. Address unknown;
      3. Debtor is incarcerated;
      4. Debtor is on Public Assistance;
      5. Unable to serve borrower with court papers;
      6. Litigation is in process and debtor skips;
      7. Expected cost of litigation exceeds amount to be recovered from borrower.
  8. Bankruptcy
    1. General Information - Each institution shall designate a bankruptcy contact person to serve as a liaison between the institution and the Attorney General's office.
      1. Once notice of, or a petition for, bankruptcy is received, all collection efforts against the debtor must cease immediately.
      2. If the account is at a collection agency, the file must be returned to the institution immediately.
      3. The institution should immediately forward to the Attorney General’s office all paperwork received regarding the bankruptcy petition; the amount the institution claims due; any promissory note, financial statement of responsibility, or other agreement to pay the debt; the basis of the claim (e.g., federal chargeback, tuition, fees, parking tickets); and backup documents that itemize the debt.
      4. The institution should also provide a copy of this information to the TBR General Counsel's office.
      5. The Attorney General's office will advise the institution when and if collection efforts may resume, depending on the debt's discharge ability.
        1. NOTE: Effective for actions filed on or after 5/28/91, the period during which an educational loan may not generally be discharged will increase from five (5) years to seven (7) years.
        2. This period is calculated from the date the loan first came due to the date the bankruptcy action was filed, exclusive of periods during which repayment obligations are suspended.
        3. Additionally, obligations to repay an "overpayment" of, or any other obligation to repay an "educational benefit" provided by a governmental unit or under a program funded by a government unit or non-profit institution will be excepted from discharge during the same seven year period under either Chapter 7 or 13 unless the borrower establishes that repayment constitutes undue hardship. 
    2. Chapter 7 (Liquidation) Upon receiving any notice of the filing of a petition, all collection efforts against the debtor must be suspended immediately until the bankruptcy has been discharged.
      1. Collection efforts may continue against an endorser.
      2. The institution shall immediately forward the file to the Attorney General's office with the information specified in § VIII.A.3.
      3. A copy of this information should also be provided to the TBR General Counsel's office.
      4. Educational loans: If the date of bankruptcy filing is after the expiration of the exception period, the loan should be written off once the notice of discharge is received unless there is some other basis upon which to challenge discharge ability.
        1. The Attorney General's office will contact the institution to advise whether the debt is dischargeable.
        2. However, if there is an endorser, collection efforts may proceed against him.
        3. If the date of bankruptcy filing is before the expiration of the exception period, collection activity may be reinstated once the notice of discharge is received due to the self/executing nature of the exception unless the debtor has been able to establish discharge ability of the debt through an adversary proceeding.
        4. If the institution is served with a summons and complaint, the institution shall immediately fax to the Attorney General's bankruptcy unit a copy of the Summons and Complaint, the debt payoff amount, the date the note went into repayment, and any deferment and/or forbearance history.
        5. A copy of this information should also be provided to the TBR General Counsel's office.
      5. Other debts: The institution shall immediately forward the file to the Attorney General's office with the information specified in § VIII.A.3.
        1. A copy of this information should also be provided to the TBR General Counsel's office.
        2. When the notice states "No assets," unless the institution is a secured creditor (in which case a proof of claim would have been filed), the debt must be written off once the Attorney General's office provides the institution with notice of discharge.
    3. Chapter 13 (Reorganization)
      1. NOTE: For petitions filed on or after 11/5/90, an educational loan is non-dischargeable if the loan first became due within five years calculated from the date the loan first came due to the date the bankruptcy action was filed, exclusive of periods during which repayment obligations are suspended.
      2. Effective for bankruptcies filed on or after 5/28/91, that same five (5) year period was increased to seven (7) years. See NOTE above for further details.
      3. Regardless of the date of filing or the nature of the debt owing, upon receiving any notice of the filing of a petition, all collection efforts against the debtor and endorser must cease immediately.
        1. The institution shall immediately forward the file to the Attorney General's office with the information specified in § VIII.A.3.
        2. The Attorney General's office will advise the institution whether the debt is dischargeable and the extent to which collection activities may be reinstated.
      4. If the seven (7) year exception period applies and the debtor serves the institution with a summons and complaint the institution shall immediately fax to the Attorney General's bankruptcy unit a copy of the Summons and Complaint, the debt payoff amount, the date the note went into repayment, and any deferment and/or forbearance history.
        1. A copy of this information should also be provided to the TBR General Counsel's office.
      5. Other debts: The institution shall immediately forward the file to the Attorney General's office with the information specified in § VIII.A.3.
        1. A copy of this information should also be provided to the TBR General Counsel's office.
        2. The Attorney General's office will advise the institution as to the discharge ability of the debt.
  9. Write Offs
    1. Authority. The Tennessee Board of Regents and its institutions are authorized to write off uncollectible receivables pursuant to policies outlined in Chapter 0620-1-9 of the rules of the Department of Finance and Administration.
      1. This includes the write off of any account of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or greater and/or accounts aggregating twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or more.
      2. Receivables submitted for write off must have been subjected to appropriate collection efforts in accordance with this guideline and institution procedures.
    2. Reserve. A reserve for doubtful accounts should be established for activities for which accounts receivable represent a material amount to the activity income.
      1. The reserve should be reported in the financial records of the institution.
      2. Receivables which prove to be uncollectible after prescribed collection efforts have been exhausted should be written off by a charge to the reserve for doubtful accounts after appropriate approvals are obtained.
    3. Approval. The proposed write offs must be approved by institution officials not directly involved in recording and collection of accounts receivable.
      1. The institution president and chief business officer should certify compliance with the prescribed statute and collection guidelines.
      2. The accounts submitted for write off should be single accounts of $5,000 or more and/or accounts aggregating $25,000 or more. The write off request summary and certification, along with a detailed list of the accounts, should be submitted to the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance's office for approval.
      3. The write off request must be approved by the Chancellor or designee and General Counsel and forwarded by TBR for approval by the Commissioner of Finance and Administration and the Comptroller of the Treasury.
        1. TBR will send approved write offs to the institution for the appropriate accounting.
      4. Requests for the write off of single accounts of less than $5,000 and/or accounts aggregating less than $25,000 shall be approved at the institution level by the appropriate officials.
        1. These requests do not require additional approval by the Tennessee Board of Regents office or State Departments.
    4. State/TBR Employees. Any debtors identified by the TBR or State as employees with debts $50 and above will not be approved for write off.
      1. Information on the employing institution or agency will be returned to the institution for additional collection efforts.
      2. If the debtor is a state employee, the Chief Business Officer of the department employing the debtor should be notified.
      3. The department employing the individual will be responsible for taking the appropriate action to collect the debt.
      4. If the department is unsuccessful in collecting the debt, written notification will be sent to the institution.
        1. The written notification shall be submitted with the next write off request for approval.
      5. If the debtor works for another TBR institution, the Chief Business Officer of the employing institution should be notified and will be responsible for collecting the debts utilizing the steps in Section III, Employee Receivables, of this policy.
        1. Written notification should be sent to the requesting institution if collection efforts are unsuccessful.
        2. The written notification shall be submitted with the next write off request for approval.
        3. The institution may agree to payment through payroll deductions if the employee signs a payroll deduction authorization.
    5. Former TBR Employees. If a debt or obligation was incurred while a TBR employee, the debt constitutes an account receivable; refer to Section II.
    6. Holds on Written Off Receivables. A hold on future registration will continue until the debt is cleared for former students whose receivables were written off if the debt was one-hundred ($100) dollars or more, unless the debt resulted from an error in the institution’s administration of Title IV or HEA programs, or any fraud or misconduct by the institution or its personnel.
      1. Institutions will continue to withhold certificates of credit, diplomas, and grade reports, for these accounts until they are paid in full or meet the criteria established in T.C.A. § 49-7-166.
      2. A student who has prior outstanding debt and was not enrolled in the preceding semester (excluding summer semester) may execute a repayment agreement with the institution and be allowed to register. The repayment agreement will require that the debt be fully satisfied before a diploma or degree will be issued. A student may only ever execute one such repayment agreement with the institution.
  10. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Contract Clause

As part of institutions’ security program required by GLBA and TBR Guideline B-090 Safeguarding Nonpublic Financial Information v1, institutions must take reasonable steps to select and retain third party service providers that are capable of maintaining appropriate safeguards for customer information (which is, generally speaking, any nonpublic personal financial information about students).  Institutions must also include in contracts requirements that service providers with access to customer information maintain sufficient procedures to detect and respond to security events.  Form language to include in such contracts is available from the System Office Procurement, Contracts and Payment Services Department.




T.C.A. § 49-8-203; Public Chapter 739 of the Public Acts of the State of Tennessee, 2018; T.C.A. §§ 28-1-113, 4-5-301 et seq., 49-9-108; 16 C.F.R. § 314


November 16, 1977, TBR presidents meeting. Revised July 1, 1984. Revised May 17, 1988.  Revised May 12, 1992.  Revised August 9, 1994, TBR presidents meeting.  Revised November 9, 1994, TBR presidents meeting.  Revised May 14, 1996, presidents meeting.  Revised August 25, 1998, presidents meeting. Revised May 11, 1999, presidents meeting.  Revised May 21, 2001 presidents meeting.  Revised May 16, 2006 presidents meeting.  Revised November 8, 2006 presidents meeting; Presidents Meeting August 19, 2008; Presidents Meeting November 5, 2008; Presidents Meeting, May 21, 2013; Presidents Meeting February 2, 2016; Presidents Meeting May, 2018; Presidents meeting May 1, 2024; June 21, 2024 updated Exhibit 1.

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